Almost Friday!

Well hello world!

Since Julia’s birthday on Monday, I trekked back to my condo in Columbus for classes for the week.  It was a great time to be home, but now it’s back to business.

Look at all the snow we got today! Can you believe it?

Tuesday I drove back to Columbus from home, went to class, and headed straight to work.  I was finally able to unpack from my trip home at 9:00 that night and then went to bed soon after.  What a busy day.

Wednesday I woke up at the crack of dawn (7:00am to be exact! very early for a college student like me 😉 ) and was on the treadmill by 7:20.  I’m not one to normally work out within 20 minutes of waking up, so I’m going to call that 30 minute walk/run combo a big accomplishment.  I went about the rest of my day doing the usual– class, reading, peanut butter sandwich, apple and all.

At one of the meetings I went to Wednesday, I was able to meet the Race Director for the Columbus Marathon.  It was so wonderful to hear what he had to say– he was so passionate about his work.  Can you believe they had fireworks and people on stilts to entertain at the marathon last year?!  His talk motivated me not only to have a career I’m passionate about– but added lots of inspiration for running a marathon in my future.  I mean come on, fireworks?  How exciting is that?  Not to mention that if you drop out of the race, you ride in a limo.  Cha-ching!

Today was a busy, busy day.  More meetings and classes.  And the peanut butter sandwich.  I do think I scored some free/discounted Chobani yogurt and Coach’s Oats, though.  More info on that to come soon!

I came home tonight and warmed up some Brussel sprouts I had cooked last night.  I had never tasted these little green leaf spheres before, so I thought I’d give it a try.  I boiled water, tossed in the sprouts, let it come to a boil again, then covered and simmered for 10 minutes.  After, I added some pepper, Mrs. Dash seasoning, and cheeeeese.

It had a unique taste.. .quite a bit like broccoli, a little like asparagus.  I had to add quite a bit of seasoning and cheese for them to be palatable.  I’ve heard it takes 15 tries before you become fully accustomed to the taste of something new.  We’ll see if I can make it to taste test #2 😉

Have a happy Friday!  Stay warm out there 🙂

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